Ushur Settings
  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Ushur Settings

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Article summary


The Ushur settings allow you to customize your campaign's communication and engagement behavior with users.


To access the ushur settings, go to the applicable Ushur > Settings

Settings Options

Callback Number

Callback Number: Input the number for Ushur to use when making callback calls. It can be specified as either a mobile or a landline number.

Virtual Number for Text

Virtual Number for Text: Select a virtual number from Ushur for sending text messages. For international destinations, Ushur will choose an appropriate virtual number automatically.

Virtual Number for Voice

Virtual Number for Voice: Select a virtual number that will be used for voice calls.

Default Channel

  • Default Channel: Set the channel to be used as the default for triggering bulk engagements:

    • Text (SMS)

    • Voice

    • Whatsapp

Help Trigger

Help Trigger: Set a trigger word or symbol that users can send to request more information within the Ushur workflow. For example, “?” or “Help”.


Language: Click the Select Language option to choose the languages into which the Ushur interactions should be translated.

Transition Trigger

Transition Trigger: Set a trigger word or symbol that users can send to switch to the fallback version of Ushur.

DND Exclusion

DND Exclusion: Choose whether to exclude this Ushur from the Do Not Disturb settings.

Ignore Blocklist

Ignore Blocklist: Enables the Ushur to send messages to all users, bypassing the blocklist.

  • STOP requests from users do not stop messages from these campaigns. All users receive communications, even if on the blocklist.

  • Non-blocklist users who send a STOP request will be added to the blocklist but still receive campaign messages.

Engagement Expiry

Engagement Expiry: Define the time frame after which an engagement expires and customize the message to display when the session has expired.


Configure anonymization protocols specific to this Ushur instance, either adhering to or overriding system defaults. Settings defined at the Ushur level take precedence over those defined at the enterprise level.

  • Enable Anonymization: Offers three options for anonymization settings:

    • No: Anonymization is disabled.

    • Only PII Content: Only personally identifiable information (PII) is anonymized.

    • Entire Content: All content is anonymized.

  • Delay For Anonymization: Time in seconds to wait before starting the anonymization process after data ingestion.

  • Delete Assets After Engagement: From the drop-down, select Yes or No to automatically delete after the user's interaction.

  • Delay For Deleting Assets: Sets the time in seconds to wait before deleting assets post-engagement.


This is an enterprise setting. Please get in touch with your Customer Success team to enable this setting.

AI Settings

  • Exclude Phrases: Enable this to prevent certain phrases from triggering Ushur's AI.

Advanced AI Settings


This is an Enterprise setting. Please get in touch with your Customer Success team to enable this setting.

  • Enable AI features: Select the checkbox to enable the advanced artificial intelligence feature in the Invisible App. Enabling the AI Feature option displays the following options to configure:

    • Enable advanced input validation: Select the checkbox to enable the efficient validation of user inputs, ensuring accuracy and adherence to predefined workflows.

    • Enable Chatmode: Allows users to complete a workflow by conversing with an AI assistant. Select one of the following AI Assistant Modes using the radio button:

      • Verbatim: The assistant strictly adheres to the provided verbiage in the workflow. In response to user-initiated follow-up questions, generative text may be employed.

      • Enhanced: The assistant employs generative language to enhance consistency and coherence while preserving the original intent.

    • Enable Service Group: Select the checkbox to enable the service group. The service groups allow multiple workflows to be available for users when they are interacting with one of the workflows in the group via chat mode.

    • Enable FAQ: Select the checkbox to enable the configuration of frequently asked questions, allowing the users instant access to relevant information within the workflow or service group.

Invisible App

  • Enable Progress Indicator for Invisible App: Provide users with a visual representation of their progress

    • Progress bar (up to 10 steps)

    • Wizard Steps (up to 7 steps)


This beta feature enhances the user experience by showing progress (e.g., step 2 of 5) but does not control the order of modules shown.

  • Logo: Upload a custom logo for the Invisible App interface.

  • Workflow Title: Enter the title of the Ushur workflow for identification.

  • Description: Add a brief description to detail the purpose or functionality of the Ushur.

  • Color Input: Enter the hex code for your desired background color.

  • Match Invisible App background color to brand color: Select the checkbox to automatically adjust the Invisible App background to a lighter shade of your chosen brand color, creating a customized visual appearance that aligns with your brand identity.

  • Brand container cards with brand color: Select the checkbox to add a branding element to the container cards within the Invisible App. This will display a stripe of the brand color along the left edge of the content cards, reinforcing brand recognition.

  • Message Background Color: Specify a background color for messages within the Invisible App. The default color is #F4F5F7.

  • Language of default text: Select the language for default texts within the app.

  • Button Text for Bot Detection Page: Customize the button text for the bot detection stage. The default value is Get Started.

  • Button Text for Main Navigation: Customize the text for the main navigation button. The default value is set to Done.

  • Multiple Choice Button Alignment: From the dropdown menu select the applicable options to adjust the alignment of multiple-choice buttons to match your design preference:

    • Keep default styling

    • Center align button text

  • User uploaded file name validation and modification

    • If uploaded file name exceeds limit, shorten characters and allow upload.

      • Default Behavior (Unchecked):
        If the file name exceeds the default limit of 128 characters, an error message will be displayed to the user, and the file will not be uploaded:

        One or more file name(s) exceeds the maximum character limit. Shorten the name and upload again.

      • When Checked:

        • Truncates the file name to the specified character limit (default is 128 characters).

        • Displays a warning message to the user:

          One or more file names have been shortened because they exceed the character limit for upload.

        • In the field, enter max characters before shortening (Default is set to "128").

        • If removal results in identical file names, a sequential numeric suffix will be added to differentiate them: FileName1.PDF, FileName2.PDF, FileName3.PDF

    • If uploaded file name has special characters, remove special characters and allow upload.

      • Default Behavior (Unchecked):
        If the file name contains special characters, an error message is displayed, and the file is not uploaded:

        One or more file name(s) contain special characters. Remove any special characters except those in quotes "_ - ()[]." and upload again.

      • When Checked:

        • It removes all special characters and displays a warning message:

          One or more files have been renamed because they contain unsupported special characters for upload.

        • If removal results in all characters being removed, the file will be renamed to UploadedFile with a numeric suffix to differentiate them: UploadedFile1.PDF, UploadedFile2.PDF

  • Disabled Calendar Dates: From the dropdown menu, select the applicable options to disable the calendar dates:

    • Default

    • Disable dates in the past

    • Disable dates in the future

  • Verification: Select the checkbox to enable Multi-Factor Authentication for the app and configure an end-of-engagement message.

  • Edit End of engagement message: Configure the default message displayed on the Invisible App when no Ushur is present.

  • Enter Message in footer: Select the footer message from the drop-down menu:

    • Powered by Ushur

    • Intelligent Automations

    • Secure Automations

    • None

Additional Customization Options

  • Show All Engagements: Select the checkbox to display all active engagements.

  • Show Conversation History: Select the checkbox to show the history of user interactions.

  • Disable Back Navigation on Engagement: Select the checkbox to prevent users from navigating backward during an engagement.

  • Back Navigation Trigger Keyword: Assign a keyword that enables users to navigate back. For example, “*back”.

  • Show Realtime Chat: Select the checkbox to display the real-time chat.

Phone Preview

Phone Preview: Offers a live simulation of how the Invisible App will appear on a mobile device.

Click Save or Save and Preview after making adjustments to ensure the settings are implemented.

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