Ushur Contacts
  • 11 Jun 2024
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Ushur Contacts

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Article summary

To view the Ushur level contacts of a specific Ushur, click the Contacts tab in the Ushur builder.



Reference Images

Create Contacts

Use this section to add contact information.

Bulk Upload

You can upload contacts in bulk via a CSV file. Drag and drop your CSV file into the Bulk Upload field of the Contacts tab or click to select your file.

The .CSV file should be in this format: name, phone, email, and address.

Since the email and physical address are optional fields, the CSV can also be in any of the formats mentioned in the referenced Images


Contacts can also be added and managed via APIs. Please refer to the API documentation for more information.

Search for Contacts

You can search through your contacts to find a specific customer based on the name or the phone number. To search by name, type the name of the contact in the Search box.

To search by phone number, type the number in the Search box.

Contacts List Display

The list of contacts will be displayed. You can click Edit or the Delete button to manage your contacts from within the list display options.


  • The email and physical address fields are optional. However, even though the email address is optional, this field will be required when the contacts receive emails as a part of Ushur engagements.

  • Ushur-level contacts cannot be filtered by blacklist or opt-ins.

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