System Variables
  • 13 Jun 2024
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System Variables

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Article summary


System variables are variables that contain predefined values and are built into the platform itself. They provide information about a given engagement which can be used to help communicate to the end user. Examples of System variables are SystemDate, EnterpriseName, Location, Mode, and Tags just to name a few. 


System variables enable you to access engagement metadata for added functionality.

The list below contains frequently used system variables associated with texting:

  • DestUserPhoneNo: The phone number of the user to whom this message is intended.

  • OrigUserPhoneNo: Phone number of the originating user.

  • SMSMode: Whether the current engagement is via SMS or not.

  • SessionUrl: The URL that points to the Invisible App.

  • UshurTag: Ushur Tag or the entered keyword.

  • LastMsgToUser: The last message sent to the user.

  • LastMsgFromUser: User entered message.

The System variables listed below can be used to easily access important information about a given email engagement.

  • DestUserEmailId: EmailID of User sent in initUshur.

  • EnterpriseEmailAddr: The primary email address or username or login for the enterprise account.

  • AccountEmailAddr: The email address with which this account was registered under. Ushurs are created and invoked under specific user accounts. This parameter refers to the email address registered for the account under which the ushur was created or is running. The AccountEmailAddr could be separate from the EnterpriseEmailAddr if the account is a sub-account.

  • IncEmailFromAddr: The user's source email address.

  • IncEmailToAddr: The destination email address.

  • IncEmailSubject: The user's email subject.

  • IncEmailBody: The user's email body.

  • IncEmailFromUser: The username portion of the user's email address.

  • IncEmailFromDomain: The domain portion of a user's email address.

  • IncEmailToUser: The username portion of the destination email address.

  • IncEmailToDomain: The domain portion of the destination email address.

  • IncEmailOcrAssets: Asset IDs of OCR Attachments From Email.

  • IncEmailNonOcrAssets: Asset IDs of Non-OCR Attachments From Email.

Accessing System Variables

System variables are color-coded BLACK.

To access a System variable within a module, type the “@” symbol which will prompt a dropdown menu for you to select from.

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