Q4 2020
  • 06 Jun 2024
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Q4 2020

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Article summary

What’s New

End-users can go back to the previous screen on the Invisible App (IA). The end users can go to the previous page on IA and review or make changes to the data that has been submitted using the back arrow on the left side of the screen.

Enterprise can now capture multiple responses from end-users as a form over Invisible App. This is useful when multiple inputs are required to be captured from end-users. E.g. A user’s name, phone number, and email address can be captured as a single page input while submitting a claim request.

  • Support for WhatsApp as a channel introduced for enterprises. The pre-requisite to enable this channel of engagement is for enterprises to have a WhatsApp business account. Currently, WhatsApp for business has very stringent opt-in procedures so we recommend “Pull” based campaigns i.e., members or end-user can engage with the business using pull-over WhatsApp (e.g., “#claim”).

  • Ushur Platform now provides the ability to authenticate external Integration systems (e.g. Jira, ServiceNow) with Generated Key-based authentication. Enterprise admins can generate a token key for calling Ushur API with the ability to revoke or regenerate this token.

Enterprise users can set up a Ushur campaign expiry duration to expire a campaign. Using this feature the Enterprise can deliver a custom campaign expiry notification message to customers when they interact after a campaign has expired. Beyond the engagement expiry, no further reminder notifications will be sent to end customers.  This would be helpful when, for instance, an enterprise is planning to execute an NPS or CSAT survey campaign across its customers. They can specify a campaign expiry time when they roll out a campaign. This will ensure that the specific campaign and all reminders part of it will cease at the campaign expiry time.

Platform Enhancements

  • Email Correlation: Earlier, all incoming emails were used to trigger a new Ushur. With this feature, email replies can merge into an existing session. This enables enterprises to track an email thread end to end.

  • Language Intelligence (LI) Module: Language Detect Feature in Li branch Module introduced. This will allow enterprise

  • users to access the LI module in different languages.

  • Allow Engagement without target phone number or email ID: This enhancement was introduced to allow enterprises to poll the system of records and fetch data or update Metadata. This is done via the initUshur API where it is not targeted to a specific end-user.

  • API to delete asset: An API was added which will allow enterprise users to delete an asset that was uploaded into the system via the File Upload module. This will allow enterprises to remove an incorrect/wrong file that was uploaded by end-users.

  • File Upload Module: The enhancement to this module provides support for .xls and .xlsx file types. Earlier releases only supported .pdf, .jpeg, and .png file types.

  • Different Platform and Invisible App domain: Ushur now allows customized Invisible App domain allocation. The Enterprise user has the option of specifying different domain URLs for accessing the Ushur platform and Invisible App.

  • Enhancements to Invisible App rendering: Enterprises can now set the message background color when sending out messages via the IA. Also, the branding color would be set when the text area is in focus.

  • Other platform improvements and bug fixes.

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