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What’s New
Invisible App Landing Page for Bot Detection: To secure the Invisible App from harmful Bots automatically triggering engagements, we have launched a new landing page (splash screen) for the Invisible App to better detect and allow human users to start or continue engagements. Human users will be able to click on a button to get started with their Invisible App engagement. The landing page supports a white-labeled experience for enterprise users
Service to check for a valid mobile phone number: We have launched a new service (API-based) to check if an end user's phone number is a valid mobile phone number that can receive text. This service will help enterprises to validate and deliver automated campaigns to valid mobile numbers. The API documentation has been updated to reflect this new service - API Documentation.
Analytics 2.0: The Ushur platform now delivers powerful on-demand macro analytics and visual insights to enterprise users to track key campaign performance metrics. Enterprise users can access standard analytics charts and insights from the Ushur platform using the “Analytics” tab. Users will be able to filter reports by channels or campaigns, select custom date ranges, and perform drill-down actions. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you wish to have this feature.
Platform Enhancements
File Upload Enhancement: Enterprise users can now seamlessly modify an existing calendar and update their end-users when an event is rescheduled or canceled by sharing the updated calendar (.ics) file
Option for users to switch between business accounts: Enterprise users logging in via SSO can select the business account they wish to log in to. The enhancement also provides an option to switch to another business if required
Rich Content Delivery Improvements: Enhancements added to the Ushur platform to better manage rich content to deliver a rich experience for end-users.
Grid View - Provides a capability to easily toggle and navigate within the workflow builder when there are multiple modules.
HTML in Metadata - Support for adding HTML content in Meta Data
Added support to preview messages within modules when the message format is in HTML

New APIs introduced
Validate whether a phone number is a valid mobile phone number or not
CC and BCC Options in Outbound Email: Added the CC and BCC component for the outbound emails.