Q2 2024 (
  • 10 Jul 2024
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Q2 2024 (

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Article summary

Highlights of the current release

  • New Anonymization Settings for Ushur Engagements: Introducing enhanced control over anonymization settings to support specific organizational requirements.

  • Japanese Language Support in PDF File Creation Module: Now supports creating and managing non-editable PDFs in Japanese.

  • Enhanced Silent Listener - Phrase-Based Workflow Trigger: Streamlines campaign initiation with improved natural language processing for phrase-based triggers.

  • Form Module Rendering - IA Chatbot/IA Chatmode: Advances form interaction with AI-driven rephrasing, dynamic grouping, and seamless user experiences.

  • Updated Generated Reports Management: Introduces automated queuing and improved error handling with enhanced report deletion features.

  • Update to Scheduled Report Management: Enhancements for better tracking and management of scheduled reports' statuses and details.

  • Device and Browser Analytics Integration for Invisible App: Enhances user interaction insights by tracking device and browser details across multiple channels.

New Feature

Ushur Platform

New Anonymization Settings for Ushur Engagements

Feature Type: Enterprise-Enabled Feature

Short Description: Introducing enhanced anonymization control for Ushur to support overriding anonymization settings at the Ushur level.


  • Granular Anonymization: Choose between no anonymization, masking only PII, or anonymizing all content.

  • Timed Execution: Set specific delays for when anonymization and asset deletion should occur after engagement.

  • Secure Engagement: Automatically delete assets post-interaction to maintain a clean and secure data environment.


This feature is available as an Enterprise setting; contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it.

For more information, refer to Ushur Settings.

Form Module Rendering: IA Chatbot/ IA Chatmode

Feature Type: Enterprise-Enabled Feature

Short Description: Introducing advanced AI capabilities to the Form Module, enhancing the form-filling experience with rephrased questions, dynamic grouping, and seamless user interactions.


  • Improved Clarity: AI rephrases questions, making them clearer and more intuitive.

  • Dynamic Grouping: Form elements are intelligently grouped, preventing clutter, and enhancing navigation.

  • Efficient Input: AI manages responses to partial and complete questions, guiding users through the form effectively.

  • Special Handling: Non-combinable elements like File Upload, Date and Time, and Location are handled one at a time, ensuring context and clarity.


This feature is available as an Enterprise setting; contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it.

For more information, refer to Form Module.

Invisible App

Device and Browser Analytics Integration for Invisible App

Feature Type: Universal Feature

Short Description: Elevate your Invisible App experience with our new Device and Browser Analytics feature, designed to enhance user interaction insights. Users can track device-browser information when an Invisible App link is pushed via any channel and is clicked by the end user.


This update brings significant enhancements to the Invisible App, focusing on empowering citizen developers with more data-driven insights to optimize user engagements:

  • Automated Data Capture: Automatically logs device type, operating system, and browser details when users access the Invisible App.


    Android devices and PCs will show up as unknown devices, but their operating systems will be identified and displayed as Android and Windows, respectively.

  • Customizable Workflows: Utilizes captured data as system variables for complex workflow customization based on the user device and browser analytics.

  • Easy Analytics Access: View detailed device and browser analytics from the Initiated Activities > Engagement History.

For more information, refer to Device and Browser Analytics and Device, OS, and Browser Information Display.

User Uploaded File Name Validation and Modification

Feature Type: Universal Feature

Short Description: A feature to validate and modify uploaded file names, ensuring compliance with character limits and supported characters.

Description: To access the Ushur settings, go to the applicable Ushur > Settings. This feature provides two options:

  1. If uploaded file name exceeds limit, shorten characters and allow upload:

    • If a file name exceeds the limit, it's truncated to 128 characters by default and the maximum number of characters can be configured.

    • Benefit: Allows files with long names to be uploaded smoothly.

    • If removal results in identical file names, a sequential numeric suffix will be added to differentiate them:

      • Example: FileName1.PDF, FileName2.PDF, FileName3.PDF

  2. If uploaded file name has special characters, remove special characters and allow upload:

  • Removes special characters.

  • Benefit: Ensures file names only contain supported characters.

  • If removal results in all characters being removed, the file will be renamed to UploadedFile with a numeric suffix to differentiate them:

    • Example: UploadedFile1.PDF, UploadedFile2.PDF

For more information, refer to Ushur Settings.

Enhanced Features

Ushur Platform

Introducing Japanese Language Support in the PDF File Creation Module

Feature Type: Universal Feature

Short Description: Create and manage PDFs in Japanese with the enhanced File Creation module, now supporting noneditable PDF output for a seamless end-user experience.


  • Japanese Language Integration: Directly input and display Japanese text in PDFs.

  • Seamless User Interaction: Ensures the Invisible App captures and reflects end-user data in Japanese accurately.

  • Non-Editable PDFs: Automatically generates secure, flat PDFs to ensure data integrity.

For more information, refer to the File Creation Module.


Enhanced Report Management: Generated Reports

Feature Type: Enterprise-Enabled Feature

Short Description: New updates to report management, introducing automated queuing, and deletion features, along with improved error handling and deletion options.


  • Automated Queue Management: Reports that cannot be processed immediately are queued. If a report remains in the queue status for more than 10 minutes, it is automatically deleted, and the requester is notified via email with details of the issue.

  • Customizable Timeouts and Auto-Deletion: Administrators can work with a Customer Success Manager to adjust the timeout settings for queued reports and configure the auto-deletion frequency for older reports, which are set to delete after 30 days by default automatically.

  • Cancellation Option: Users can cancel report generation if the report is still queued status, offering better control over the report management process.

  • Streamlined Deletion Process: Users can delete reports directly from the Ushur system via the More icon. Note that this does not affect copies stored on SFTP locations.

For more information, refer to Generated Reports Tab.

Enhanced Report Management: Scheduled Reports

Feature Type: Enterprise-Enabled Feature

Short Description:

Enhancements in the Scheduled Reports tab for better tracking and managing report statuses.

Key updates have been made to improve the management of scheduled reports:

  • Status Indicators: Includes Active, Inactive (contact SRE to enable), and Expired (visible for 90 days then auto-deleted).

  • Date Information: Displays the Start Date and End Date of report generation; the Next Report Date column will be marked as Not Applicable for Expired statuses.

  • Renamed Column: The Schedule column is now called Frequency for clearer understanding.

For more information, Refer to Scheduled Report Tab.

Enhanced Campaign Launch Visualization

Feature Type: Enterprise-Enabled Feature

Short Description: The campaign Launch visualization is now updated dynamically, offering real-time insights into contact group campaign status without waiting for all schedules to conclude.

Ushur Studio

The Q2 release incorporates features from Ushur Studio versions 2.6 and 2.7:

Release Notes - Ushur Studio 2.7

Release Notes - Ushur Studio 2.6

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