Goals Tracking Feature
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Goals Tracking Feature

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Article summary


As a citizen developer, you're empowered to mark important steps and milestones of the campaign and analyze business success with our Goals-Tracking feature. This tool is designed to assist you in identifying and tracking key business-critical milestones right from the start of the campaign design. This way, the system automatically monitors these milestones and generates insights about them.


Ensure that your Enterprise Account runs on the January 2023 release or a higher version. Additionally, Goal definition must be turned on for the enterprise using Admin settings.

Once you have met these requirements, you can access the Goals Tracking feature by selecting a workflow setting and clicking the "Goals" option.

How to Use Goals Tracking

To set up goals for a workflow, follow these steps:

  1. In the applicable Ushur, Go to the Menu option at the top right corner.

  2. From the Menu option, Select Goals.

  3. A panel will open on the right side of the screen with an option to add goals. Click on the Add Goal button.

  4. In the Add Goal window, you can find the following options,

    1. In the Goal Summary table, you can select the default system goal or a user-defined goal created under the current enterprise account.

    2. Select the applicable goal and click Next to assign the module for the selected goal in the Edit Goal window.

    3. Add New Goal: Click the Add New Goal option to define a new goal for the current Ushur. In the Add Goal window, enter the following details:

      • Name: Enter the unique name of the goal.

      • Description: Enter the description of the goal briefly

      • Select Modules: Select the applicable module where the goal needs to be applied. You can select multiple modules for the same goal.

  5. Click Add to save the goal.

Goals are stored at an enterprise account level, and citizen developers can use any goals for any workflow. A goal can be tagged to multiple modules, and a module can be tagged to multiple goals.

Common Use Cases

The Goals Tracking feature can be used to track a variety of important actions or milestones in your workflow, including:

  • Completion of a specific stage in the workflow

  • User sign-ups or registrations

  • Payment completion

  • Purchase or order confirmation

  • User behavior, such as clicks, views, or other interactions.

Example of a use case for building a custom chart

Points to keep in mind

  • A Goal can be tagged to multiple modules, and

  • A module can be tagged to multiple goals, enabling flexible tracking and reporting options.

  • After a goal has been added and executions have taken place, any modifications made to the goal will not affect the already captured data. Instead, new data will be generated according to the updated goal design or association.

  • Currently, the analytics dashboard is not real-time. Latency of data on goals charts -The latency of the data depends on the refresh rate set for each customer. The refresh rate must be configured, keeping the volume of data and business needs in mind. The data will be updated with each refresh. The data refresh frequency determines the lag between data and an actual event.

Limitations and Potential Gaps

It's important to note that the Goals Tracking feature is a basic version of goal tracking, focusing only on whether the user has crossed a specific milestone or not.

  • The Goal tracking is not available on initiated activities currently. No marker or information related to goal tracking is available on initiated activities.

  • It does not take into consideration if a user responded in a specific way or provided a certain value.

  • Tracking gets enabled only after the goals are created. Any executions that were done before goal creation cannot be tracked for goal analytics.

  • The current implementation of the Goals Tracking feature does not include any logical derivation, such as,

    • Only if the user provided a response that is less than or greater than a certain value then only the goal should be tracked for completion and more or

    • Only if the user provided a combination of responses or completed a combination of steps in the journey only then only a goal be marked completed etc.

  • Additionally, the feature does not support tracking of more complex behaviors beyond basic milestone completion. Such as,

    • Only if a certain type of user (Age Group, Gender, user of a specific insurance product) is responding in a certain way then only the goal be tracked for competition, etc.

  • Goals cannot be created based on responses for a multiple-choice module even though each option carries a different UE Tags

Additionally, it's important to ensure that the goals you set are specific and measurable. Make sure that the goal is clear and that you can track it accurately to avoid any inaccuracies in your analytics.

Tips and Best Practices

To get the most out of the Goals Tracking feature, consider the following tips and best practices:

  • Set up specific, measurable goals that align with your business objectives.

  • If the objective is to track if the user has reached a specific step of the journey, then, it is advisable to put the goal on the very same module.

  • If the objective is to track the completion of the engagement with a specific module, then it is advisable to put a goal on the next module.

  • For tracking users’ responses on MCQs, (User Preferences, Survey Results, Feedback, etc), if each choice leads to a different unique path, then the next module can be tracked using goals to get analytics on MCQ responses.

  • Test and validate your goals to ensure that they are accurately tracking the actions or milestones you want to measure.

  • Monitor your analytics regularly to stay on top.

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