Documentation Transformation
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Documentation Transformation

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Article summary


The Documentation Transformation Engine is an advanced solution designed to streamline the process of transforming Excel spreadsheets into a standardized format. This comprehensive tool is engineered to handle various aspects of Excel data manipulation, making it an invaluable asset for businesses that deal with large volumes of data.

Key Components

  • Table Extraction: The engine excels at extracting tables from a myriad of Excel sheets and CSV, accommodating a wide range of formats and styles.

  • Column Classification: Identifying relevant columns is a breeze with this engine, as it intuitively classifies the data, ensuring that important information is easily accessible.

  • Rule Engine: A robust set of business rules validates and standardizes data, guaranteeing output consistency and reliability.

Benefits of the Document Transformation Engine

  • Streamlined Data Transformation: With over 100 transformation rules available off-the-shelf, the engine simplifies the data transformation process. These rules are not only generic but also customizable, catering to specific business needs with minimal adjustments.

  • Enhanced Data Interpretation: The engine provides a demography sheet that summarizes key metrics, such as gender distribution, average age, and salary insights, aiding underwriters in making informed decisions based on demographic trends.

  • Interleaved Mode Operation: Original and transformed sheets are returned side by side, which allows quote specialists to easily determine the changes made, enhancing traceability and saving time.

  • Color-coded Visualization: A color-coded system marks added, modified, and deleted cells, offering a visual representation of the transformations for quick and easy review.

  • User-Friendly Rule Writing: The rules are written in simple English-like language, enabling users to craft their own rules for specific use cases without requiring complex programming knowledge.

Integration with Document Processor Module

The Document Transformation engine is part of the Document Processor Module in the Ushur Platform.

Users can add the Document Processor module in the workflow to include the documentation transformation engine.


It is mandatory to enter rules in the Rules and Column Map CSV field in the Document Processor Module for the documentation transformation engine to work. To receive the rules or to update the rules, contact the Customer Success team.

For more information on the document processor module, see Using the Document Processor Module.

Understanding the Processed Excel Sheet

Original Census Data Sheet

This sheet serves as the baseline, containing the raw data exactly as it was received through email or other means of engagement. It provides a reference point for the transformations applied, allowing users to compare the original and modified datasets.

The sheet name is prefixed with Original_[Sheetname].


The user can customize sheet names in Transformation Rules.

Demography Sheet

  • This sheet is a powerful summarization tool that aggregates employee data into actionable insights. It includes:

    • Gender Distribution: Offers a breakdown of the workforce by gender.

    • Average Age: Presents the mean age of the employees, which can be critical for assessing certain risks or planning.

    • Salary Insights: Lists average salaries and highlights the top three highest salaries, which can be essential for financial planning and analysis.

The demography sheet also serves a secondary purpose by providing a legend for the color coding used in the transformed sheet, which indicates changes made to the data.

The sheet name is prefixed with Demography_[Sheetname].


The user can customize sheet names in Transformation Rules.

Transformed Census Data Sheet

The transformed sheet is the result of the engine's processing, containing data that has been cleaned, formatted, and organized according to the predefined rules. This sheet is particularly crucial for the following reasons:

  • Census Visualization: Each modification made to the dataset is visualized through a color-coded system, where different colors represent Added (Blue), Changed (Amber), or Removed (Pink) cells. This visual representation helps users quickly identify the changes without having to sift through each data point manually.

  • Traceability of Changes: Users can track each specific change back to the transformation rule that triggered it, providing full traceability and understanding of the transformation logic.

The sheet name is prefixed with Trans_[Sheetname].


The user can customize sheet names in Transformation Rules.

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