Create Project and Workflow
  • 15 Jul 2024
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Create Project and Workflow

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Article summary

Create Project

To create a new project, complete the following steps:

  1. Access Project Creation

  • Main Menu Panel: Users can access the Create Project from the left menu pane.

  • Dashboard: Users can access the create project under the main dashboard All Projects → Create → Create Project.

  1. Select an Accelerator or Create a Custom Project

    1. The create Project dialog box is displayed.

    2. Browse the list of available Accelerators:

      • WelcomeDemo: A demonstration workflow for the onboarding process.

      • MemberInformationUpdate: Collects personal and medical information to ensure records are current.

      • MedicaidRecertification: Gathers and verifies beneficiary information for Medicaid renewal eligibility.

      • RedeterminationProcessWelcome: Initiates a campaign to inform members about the redetermination process.

      • PostEventOutreach: Engages with policyholders post-event to assess safety and provide resources.

      • SevereWeatherAlerts: Prepares individuals for severe weather events to safeguard property and loved ones.

      • DisasterClaim: Enables claims initiation by policyholders for damages due to severe weather events.

      • HealthRiskAssessment: Compiles data on an individual’s health for potential risk evaluation.

      • SocialDeterminantsOfHealth: Collects information on social factors affecting an individual’s health and well-being.

    3. Click on an Accelerator to use a pre-designed template where the project details will be pre-populated.

      , or

    4. Click on Custom Project and enter the project details as prompted.

    5. If you would like to talk to us about specific solutions, you can use the Contact Us option.

Create Workflow

To create a new workflow, complete the following steps:

  1. Initiate Workflow Creation

    1. After selecting an Accelerator, the Create Workflow dialog appears.

    2. For a new project, set the toggle to New.

      1. Enter the New Project Name and Workflow Name.

    3. For an existing project, set the toggle to Existing.

      1. Existing Project: From the drop-down, select the project from the list of existing Legacy appcontext or Ushur studio projects.

      2. Enter the Workflow Name.

  2. Brand Customization

    1. Choose a Primary Color by clicking the color selector.

    2. Set the Default Channel, for communication:

      • SMS

      • Voice

      • WhatsApp

    3. Upload a Brand Logo by dragging and dropping or using the file uploader.

  3. Review and Complete

    1. Examine the branding and workflow details in the Preview pane.

    2. Click Create to finalize the workflow and add it to the project.

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