What is a Key?
  • 13 Jun 2024
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What is a Key?

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Article summary


A key is an Enterprise variable that can uniquely identify one row of data from the metadata table. Once you have defined your Enterprise variables in the “Variables” tab of the main dashboard, you can select the key(s) by checking the intended variables and clicking “Update Keys”. 


Make sure to assign the key to a variable that is unique across your metadata table (for example, account number, policy number, or email can be keys but not things like first name, last name, or city).

Multiple Enterprise variables can be declared as keys, but each must follow the below criteria: 

  • it should have a unique value - no two values for this variable should be identical

  • it should contain a value - every row in the metadata should contain a value for the key

Keys are primarily used by the Fetch module to search for information in the metadata. In the following example, there are three Enterprise variables: CustomerID, PhoneNumber, and Address. Since each customer will have their unique customer ID, this variable can be assigned as the key. If a Fetch module were to look for customer information such as the Address, it would use the customer ID to search.

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