Variables Tab
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Variables Tab

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Article summary


Enterprise variables are used to access elements of Enterprise data, also known as metadata. When a row of metadata is retrieved within a Ushur workflow, the enterprise variables hold the values from that row. They essentially correspond to the columns of that row.
For more information about metadata, refer to Understanding and Adding the MetaData.

Create Enterprise Variables

  1. Click the Variables tab in the main dashboard to view the Create Variables window.

  2. Click Create Variable. The first window will list all the variables and their data type to help you create the correct one.

  3. Click Next to specify your variables as provided in the table below and click Save.



Variable Type

Select the relevant data type for this variable from the drop-down list.

Variable Name

Name of the variable that is displayed in the context of the Ushur workflows.


Provide a short description specifying the function and the purpose of the variable.

Custom Name for the Meta Data Table

Specify the name of the metadata table in which this variable will be stored

Set as primary key

Select this if you wish the variable to be set as a primary key.

Displays the Edit Table Columns option. You can click and move the columns around and set the order in which you want them to appear. Click, hold, and drag the column names around and place them in the order you want them to appear.

Provides the option of downloading all the variables list and storing it as a .xls or a .csv file. You can select either from the drop-down list to store the information.

Accessing the Enterprise Variables

You can now access these variables from within any Ushur.

Sample Scenario

Employee_Phone is the enterprise variable used within the Ushur workflow. If the solution involves integration with other systems, the Data Notation field can be used to name the variable independently (Contact_Information in this case). Values in these two fields may or may not be the same.

Enterprise Variables are color-coded GREEN as shown in the following image:

To access an enterprise variable within a module, type the “@” symbol which will prompt a dropdown menu listing all the available variables. Scroll down to the enterprise variables section and select the intended variables. All variable names are displayed on the left-hand side of the list while their respective descriptions are on the right. You can also access enterprise variables from a different application context. The variables from the other application contexts are also displayed in the dropdown.

A fetch module will have to be used to retrieve the values from the metadata before the enterprise variables can be used in the workflow. Otherwise, the variables will contain null values.


As mentioned above, ensure to use the Fetch Data module and retrieve the record from the other application context before using those enterprise variables. Refer to Fetch Data Module for more info.

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