Ushur Landing Page
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Ushur Landing Page

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Article summary

The following table shows the different options available on the landing screen. 


All the options are not available in the default view. Speak to your administrator to get more options than the default view.





This is the screen where you see all the Ushurs you have created. 

Application Context

This is where you search using the different categories of Ushurs that you have created. This will help you filter and search through the Ushur you are looking for. 

Search Your Ushur

After you have filtered based on Application Context, you can choose further to narrow down the search for a particular Ushur. You can filter it further down using the search option. 


This is where you can create variables that you can use within any Ushur. These variables create columns within the Metadata tab. 

Meta Data

This is where you can upload the metadata that is relevant data. You can add the data in different formats. 


This option provides pre-built templates on the Ushur screens to help you start the workflow of your choice without having to start from the beginning. 

Tag Information

This is where you can view all the Tag Information that you have used. 

User Admin

This is the place where you have your different roles determined. You can add users here and assign them to different roles, including AdminUser, SuperUser, and NormalUser. 


This is where you can add the contacts of the people you want to create the Ushur for. You can choose to add them there one by one or in bulk using preloaded CSV files. 

Short Links

This is where you can create a short link within Ushur that makes the conversation secure. 

HTML Template

This is where you can create an HTML template that you can use in a Ushur to communicate with the end user. 

Data Extraction

This allows you to create rules and search for specific rules that have been created.

Operation View (HILT)

When an end user requires human intervention as part of the workflow, that request information is displayed in this tab. It also collects end-user data. 

Audit Data

This is where you see an enterprise-level list of the login details. 


This is where you can click to get help on how to navigate through the UI and walk through it if you get stuck.


This is where you can make all the changes you need to make Ushur a reflection of your organization. It includes configuring aspects like appearance, availability, access control, and languages you communicate in. 

New Ushur

This is where you can go when you want to create a new Ushur or import an existing Ushur. This provides both options as a dropdown. 

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