Ushur Design Best Practices
  • 01 Jul 2024
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Ushur Design Best Practices

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Article summary

It is important to design the Ushur workflow efficiently to help aid ease of usage. Use the table below to see the list of recommended best practices for Ushur design.



Meta Data and Variable

Ushur used this data to initialize campaigns and customize engagements.

  • Variable names are names used by Ushur and they can be changed without impacting the enterprise connections. Ushur uses the Data Notation concept when defining variables. Data notation is the name of the variable used in integration with enterprise SoR.

  • Variables support prefixes ($) and suffixes (%) that you can use instead of hardcoding these characters in the actual data.

Application Context Design

  • It is recommended to have all enterprise (trigger) data populated in one application context

  • Store engagement data be stored in a different application context.

In practice, the frequency of enterprise metadata updates might be different than the Ushur use of information. This practice prevents issues when data is written while Ushur is making changes to specific customer records.


To import a Ushur into an application context, elect the application context > New Ushur > Import. This will import the Ushur and all of its variables into that application context. If the enterprise variables don’t exist, they will be created for you.

  1. The Ushur name must be unique.

  2. To import the same Ushur to your account in a different application context:

    1. Clone it first

    2. Rename the Ushur

    3. Export the cloned Ushur

    4. Delete the cloned Ushur

    5. Import it into a new application context.


When exporting a Ushur, you have the option to export the variables at both the enterprise and Ushur level. Remember that exporting the enterprise variables will create them when you import them into a new application context. Each Application Context will have its own Enterprise Variables. Exporting and Ushur does not export the enterprise data. To do that you will need to export the data as a CSV and import it into the new application context.

Workflow Size

Use Short workflows in the following scenario:

  • Short customer engagements

  • Decommission an Ushur after an engagement

  • Repeated actions in workflow that are used across multiple Ushurs can be saved as short workflows. This helps to modify in a single place and is applicable in different Ushurs.

  • Editing changes and modification is easy

  • Quick data extraction is effective.

Disadvantages of long workflows:

  • Long workflows require extra analytics

  • Data extraction can be time-consuming

  • May require BI team assistance

  • Managing user interface could be challenging

  • Large number of steps might be challenging if there are multiple or regular updates

  • Requires multiple iterations to process.


Try to build large workflows as a combination of smaller workflows and connect them at appropriate points in a larger workflow. 

When to use Ushur Jumps?

To better manage Ushur workflows you can break them down into multiple Ushurs and use the Go To option to jump to any module in those workflows. 

Note: Variables should be named the same way they are used in the original Ushur workflow.

Short Links

Website URL links can be used as is within Ushur workflows. The Ushur short link capability converts longer original URL into a short URL

  • Messages more than 160 characters long will be split up by the telephone carrier. This breaks the link into two parts which makes them unusable. Ushur Short Link services convert longer links into shorter ones. 

  • Since Ushur performs the conversion as the user clicks on the link, customers can find insights into click rates for the links. 

Multiple Keys

Setting multiple keys can be a very powerful tool to fetch metadata from different Ushur. Although multiple key variables will not provide a relational association to the data, it may corrupt your metadata as it is unlikely that a single record will be acted upon using both keys at the same time.

Assign multiple keys but use a single key to retrieve data from a Ushur.

Sample Scenario

Two Ushurs in the same Application Context using the same metadata, UshurA and UshurB. UshurA is a text campaign with the mobile phone as the key, and UshurB is an email campaign with email as the key.

  • In UshurA, the fetch module fetches based on the mobile phone number as this is the primary that fetches the correct data in this engagement.

  • In UshurB, the fetch module fetches based on email address, as this key value is the unique identifier for this Ushur.

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