  • 20 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The Users tab is for managing and administering user accounts, including adding new users, monitoring account status, and managing roles and permissions.

1. User Metrics

  • Total Users: Displays the total number of user accounts associated with the enterprise account.

  • Active Users: Displays the number of users currently active and able to access the system.

  • Deactivated Users: Displays the total number of users whose accounts have been deactivated and cannot access the system.

  • Invite Sent Users: Displays the number of users who have been sent an invitation to join but have not yet activated their account.

2. User Management Actions and Table Functions

  • Add User: Click this button to add a new user to the enterprise account.

  • Email (Username): Enter the email address for the new user, which will also serve as their username for system access. Must be a valid email format.

  • Name: Enter the full name of the new user. Typically requires both first and last names, though specific character requirements may vary.

  • New Password: Enter the password for the new user account. Password should have:

    • At least 8 characters in length.

    • Must include both uppercase and lowercase letters.

    • Must contain both letters and numbers.

    • Must have at least one special character (e.g., !, @, #, ?).

  • Confirm Password: Enter the same password entered in the New Password field.

  • Roles: From the drop-down menu, select the role assigned to the new user, defining their permissions and access within the system:

    • Admin User

    • Standard User

    • Super User

Search Bar: Use this feature to quickly find existing users by their email, name, roles, or status.

Table Functions

  • Actions:

    • Download: Click the download to download the user data in a structured format, such as Excel (.xls), or CSV (.csv).

    • Settings: Click the gear icon and select the Edit Table Columns to manage the columns displayed under the User List table.

3. User List Table

The User List Table displays the following information:

  • Email: User's email address, which may also serve as their username.

  • Name: The full name of the user as registered in the system.

  • Roles: The user’s role within the system, defining their permissions and access level:

    • Admin User

    • Standard User

    • Super User

  • Status: Indicates whether the user’s account is currently Active, Deactivated, or Invite Sent.

To manage the user details, role assignments, and account status, and delete the user, click the applicable user from the table. The Edit User dialog box is displayed.

  • Email (Username): Displays the user's email address. This field is non-editable.

  • Name: Displays the user’s full name. This field is non-editable.

  • Roles: From the drop-down menu, select the user's role within the platform:

    • Admin User

    • Standard User

    • Super User

  • User Status: Use the toggle button to activate or deactivate the user.

  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the user.


  • The user must be deactivated before deleting the user.

  • The user admin’s information cannot be edited or deleted.

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