Tag Info Tab
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Tag Info Tab

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Article summary

The Tag Info tab in the Ushur platform allows users to manage tags associated with virtual numbers and application contexts. This document provides detailed instructions on how to use the Tag Info tab to view and manage tags effectively.

Tag Info Tab Components

The Tag Info tab displays a table with the following columns:

  1. Tag: The name of the tag.

  2. Virtual Number: The virtual number associated with the tag.

  3. App Context: The application context in which the tag is used.

  4. Ushur: The Ushur workflow associated with the tag.

  5. Active: Indicates whether the tag is active or not. ("Y" for Yes, "N" for No)

Features and Usage

Viewing Tags

  1. Navigate to the Tag Info tab.

  2. The table will display the list of tags along with their corresponding virtual numbers, application contexts, associated Ushur workflows, and their active status.

  3. Use the Show Entries dropdown to select the number of entries to display per page.

  4. Use the Search box to filter the tags based on specific keywords or values.

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