Side Inspector Panel
  • 15 May 2024
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Side Inspector Panel

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Article summary

The Inspector Side Panel helps reduce complexity and simplifies the overall canvas experience. Use the Inspector side panel to add modules to a step, and configure the modules without obscuring the canvas view.  As Citizen developers, you can add modules to each step and customize the functionality within the inspector.

To open the Inspector Side panel, click on the Welcome step or any new step to open the side panel as shown below.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

You can use the Inspector Side Panel to customize the following functionalities:

  • Edit the Step Name and Description

  • Assemble modules using drag and drop to view the Step Logic 

  • View the Module List

    • Engage modules

    • Data modules

    • Navigate modules

    • Utility modules

Editing the Step Name and Description

The Inspector Panel will display the default step name with an option to modify the Name and Description.

  1. Click the Edit button.

  2. Modify the step name, and provide a short description of the step.

  3. Click Enter on your keyboard to save the changes.

Assembling the Modules

The Step Logic space is where you can assemble the modules to build a flow of the steps. You can configure the following modules:

  • AI Skill Module

  • Branch Module

  • Compute Module

  • Create File Module

  • Custom Source Module

  • Email Module

  • Export Data Module

  • Form Module

  • Import Data Module

  • Invisible App Module

  • Launch Workflow Module

  • Menu Module

  • Message Module

  • Phone Agent Module

  • Prompt Module

  • Webhook Module

You can edit or delete the modules from this panel. Select the module you want to delete, and click on the delete button. To edit, click the module to configure the module details.

For more information, refer to Modules.

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