Select a Workflow
  • 15 May 2024
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Select a Workflow

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Article summary

Users can view or select an existing workflow or create a new project. Use pre-built accelerators to kickstart your solutions.

  1. Click the Canvas menu from the left menu pane.

  2. The Select a Workflow dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Select a Workflow dialog box, users can view the options below:

    • Recently Edited Workflows

    • View All Projects

    • Accelerators

    • Custom Projects

Recently Edited Workflows

Users can view the three recently edited workflows and each workflow card contains:

  • Workflow Name: The unique name assigned to the workflow.

  • Owner: The username of the individual who owns or last edited the workflow.

  • Project: The project to which the workflow belongs.

  • Last Edit: Time elapsed since the last edit.

  • Status Indicator: Symbolizes whether the workflow is published or unpublished.

View All Projects

Click the View All Projects to navigate to the Projects Dashboard. The list of all projects is displayed under the All Projects table.


Accelerators are pre-defined templates, users can select the applicable accelerators where the project details will be pre-populated. The list of available accelerators are:

  • WelcomeDemo: A demonstration workflow for the onboarding process.

  • MemberInformationUpdate: Collects personal and medical information to ensure records are current.

  • MedicaidRecertification: Gathers and verifies beneficiary information for Medicaid renewal eligibility.

  • RedeterminationProcessWelcome: Initiates a campaign to inform members about the redetermination process.

  • PostEventOutreach: Engages with policyholders post-event to assess safety and provide resources.

  • SevereWeatherAlerts: Prepares individuals for severe weather events to safeguard property and loved ones.

  • DisasterClaim: Enables claims initiation by policyholders for damages due to severe weather events.

  • HealthRiskAssessment: Compiles data on an individual’s health for potential risk evaluation.

  • SocialDeterminantsOfHealth: Collects information on social factors affecting an individual’s health and well-being.

Custom Projects

Click on Custom Project and enter the project details as prompted.

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