Salesforce (SFDC) - Initializing an Ushur Campaign
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Salesforce (SFDC) - Initializing an Ushur Campaign

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Article summary

The Ushur Framework on Salesforce is a managed app developed by Ushur to integrate into customer Salesforce workflows and enable automation. ​The​ ​framework​ is developed for​ building ​rapid​ ​applications​ ​on​ ​the Salesforce service​ ​cloud that can leverage Ushur’s AI capabilities in existing Salesforce workflows.

The Ushur Platform allows facilities to connect to the Ushur Instance for the enterprise to:

  • To launch Ushur Flows initiating micro-engagements that can offer 2-way message exchanges on various channels

  • Initiate and support intelligent process automation 

  • Monitor the flows

  • Retrieve information as the flow progresses and 

  • Provides hooks into the salesforce environment for the business logic to influence the flows as well as launch new ones.   

How to Initialize a Ushur Campaign

  1. Login into your Ushur account with the username and password provided by the Ushur POC.  The URL will be

  2. Here, in the URL instead of “demo” specify the instance of your organization.

  3. After a successful login, click on the New Ushur button. Select Create Ushur specify the name and click OK.

  4. In the builder, drag and drop the Message Component below the Welcome Message block.

  5. Ensure to specify the mandatory fields. It is a good usage to use short sentences in Enter your message section. Click Save.

  6. To connect the blocks, click the red connector below the block you just created, and select any block that you would like to connect. A sample is shown here.

  7. This workflow can now be activated. Click Activate on the top right corner. Once activated, you will see the You’re Online, pop-up. Click Got it.
    Your workflow will appear in the Ushur Campaigns in Salesforce.

  8. In the Setup page type Process Builder in the Quick Find box and click New.

  9. Ensure to specify the mandatory fields marked with * and click Save.

  10. On the left page, select Add Object. On the right pane select Lead from the Object list. Select only when record is created. Click Save.

  11. In the left pane, select Add Criteria, and on the right pane mention the name and select Conditions are met to set the conditions, click Find a field.

  12. Select the type of Mobile Phone and click Choose.

  13. Select the Operator and choose Is null. Select Boolean type, False value, and click Save. Do note that these are mandatory options.

  14. In the left pane select Add Action from Immediate Actions. In the right pane, select Flow as the Action type and specify the Action name. In the Flow field type CallInitateCampaign and select the flow. Click Add Row.

  15. Select recordId from the Flow Variable, Field Reference from Type, and Find a field from Value.

  16. Type Lead ID, select, and click Choose.

  17. Click on Add Row, select campaignName in Flow Variable, and select String Type. and specify your campaign name. Click on Add Row select userPhoneNo in Flow Variable, select Field Reference Type, and find a field Value.

  18. Type Mobile Phone Select and click Choose. Click Save.

  19. Click Activate on the top right corner. Click Confirm to activate The Process Builder and click Back to Setup.

  20. Create a new Lead in Salesforce with the Mobile number.

    The new lead will receive the SMS as shown here.

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