Phone Call Module
  • 07 Jun 2024
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Phone Call Module

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Article summary


The phone call module connects the end user to customer support or an agent via a phone call.


This module is used for scenarios where you want the end user to be able to be connected to a live agent or customer support representative by phone. 

The module first notifies the end user by SMS that they will be receiving a call shortly (you can customize the wording of this notification). Next the agent or customer support representative will receive a call letting them know by voice assistant that a customer has requested their help, and the call will be immediately connected. 


Both the SMS notification that the end user receives as well as the message that is spoken to the agent by the voice assistant at the start and end of the call are fully customizable within the module as mentioned below.

You can use Ushur, Enterprise, and System variables in any of the fields of this module. The voice will read the value that is assigned to each variable.


To use the Phone Call module, configure the following settings:

  • Label: This uniquely identifies the module within a Ushur workflow for your reference.

  • Text Message to User: Customized message the end user will receive by SMS to let them know they will be receiving a call. The default message is “You will receive a call shortly.” 

  • Voice Greeting to Enterprise Rep: Initiates the call to the enterprise representative then will voice the message as written here. The default message is “Hello, a customer is waiting to speak with you. We are connecting you now…”

  • Voice Message upon termination: After the end user ends the call, this message is sent to the representative. The default message is “Goodbye”.

  • Go to: select which module you want to go to next.

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