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New User
To create a new enterprise user account, follow the below steps:
Navigate to the Login page and select Sign up. The Signup page is displayed.
Full Name: Enter the full name in the Full Name field.
Email: Enter your email address in the Email field.
New password: Enter a new password in the New password field.
Password again: Retype your new password in the Password again field for confirmation.
Password Requirements
Must be greater than seven (7) characters.
Must contain at least one numerical.
Must contain at least one uppercase.
Must contain at least one special character.
Read and select Agree to Terms and Services checkbox (Mandatory).
Select the Signup button to create your account.
After you have submitted this form successfully, sometimes the administrator may have to confirm your request. The administrator can then permit you to access Ushur to create and edit different workflows.
Login to Your Account
Begin your seamless login experience by entering your credentials on the platform’s login page.
Enter the correct email ID in the Email field.
Enter the correct password in the Password field.
To view/verify the entered password, click the Eye
Click Login.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
This is an Enterprise Settings. To enable the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), contact your Customer Success team.
Once enabled, the users will be prompted to enter a one-time MFA code sent to their registered email after clicking the Login button.
In the MFA Code field, enter the code you received. The code is valid for 60 seconds.
If the entered code is incorrect, an Invalid OTP message will be displayed. Re-enter the correct code.
If the code expires, click Regenerate OTP to request a new code.
Upon entering the correct MFA code, you will be logged in successfully.
Alternate Login Methods
To log in with existing credentials, choose either the Google or Azure button. To know more about configuring the Google and Azure SSO, refer Enabling Single Sign-on.
Forgot Password
If you have forgotten the password, complete the following steps to change the password:
On the Login page, click Forgot Password. The Forgot Password? screen is displayed.
Enter the registered email ID in the Email field.
Click Send verification email.
Check your registered email inbox. A verification email for password reset has been sent to your registered email ID.
If the verification email is not received, click Resend verification email.
Select the Click here to reset your password. The update password page is displayed.
In the Update Password page, fill in the following details:
Email: This field is prefilled with the applicable email ID. (Non-Editable).
New password: Enter a new password in the New password field.
Password again: Retype your new password in the Password again field for confirmation.
Click Update Password.