IA Bot Enhancement Feature
  • 24 May 2024
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IA Bot Enhancement Feature

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Article summary


The Ushur IA Bot enhancement to the Invisible App feature helps to secure the Invisible App from harmful Bots, which may automatically trigger the engagements.

Through a new secure landing page (splash screen), Ushur can better detect and allow human users to start or continue engagements. Human users will be able to click on a button to get started with their Invisible App engagement. The landing page also supports a white-labeled experience for enterprise users.

Why Detect the Bot?

Enterprises often employ URL spoofing software, to enhance the security, of their mail servers which scan URLs in incoming emails, execute those URLs, and then validate them. When multiple Invisible App (IA) sessions are created by Ushur, the spoofing software may detect some of the URL sessions, thus overriding the user’s IA session. The engagement, thus, does not load properly or may hang at the user's end.

The Ushur Bot Detection is a mechanism that clearly distinguishes the IA sessions created by humans and bots (the URL Spoofing software). This feature displays the IA Landing Page from where the IA Widget page is loaded. The user must click on this IA Landing Page to continue with the engagement.

Apart from enabling the IA Bot feature, you can also customize the IA landing page based on specific enterprise needs.

The IA Bot Landing Page, when configured at the Enterprise level or the Ushur level, will display this landing page. The customer needs to click on this page to begin the engagement.

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