How to Edit a Live Ushur?
  • 22 May 2024
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How to Edit a Live Ushur?

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Article summary


Once a Ushur is activated, you may need to make changes to it without impacting live or ongoing engagements. Fortunately, there is a simple solution for this as shown below. 


The best option to edit an active ushur without deactivating it is to create a draft by clicking the “Edit” button. This will create a copy or draft of the live ushur which you can edit. While you’re editing the draft, all new engagements will still follow the original ushur.

When all new edits are complete, click the Replace button which will replace the old, activated ushur with the new draft instantaneously. The Ushur will remain activated after it is replaced, and all new engagements will follow the newly edited version seamlessly.


If any customer is amid an engagement when you replace the activated Ushur, the rest of the customer’s engagement will follow the new version.

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