How To Configure Reminders for User Input Modules?
  • 02 Jul 2024
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How To Configure Reminders for User Input Modules?

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Article summary

Ushur enables you to set reminders for several of its user input modules. Setting reminders within any of the Ushur Workflow helps you to ensure that the customers have completed the specific task intended by the workflow by providing timely reminders and actions.


The Reminders option is available for these modules – Send Invisible App, Multiple Choice, Open Response, Email, location, Credit Card, and Form Input.

How to Set Reminders?

You can configure the reminders as a measure to ensure that the workflow or the activity elicits the user response. Users may forget or may not complete an engagement and may want to be reminded about it later. You can set reminders to ensure that users complete the task and go further in the Ushur workflow to complete the relevant engagement.

To set a reminder, from within the Ushur scroll down and click Reminders. By default, this option is Disabled. Slide to Enable the reminder option.

You can use the table below to select the reminders based on specific use cases and click Save.

Frequency of Notification

Enables to determine how often you want to send the reminder and determine its frequency. Use the Days, Hours, and Times to specify the exact frequency limit.

Include SMS message

This is an optional setting. Along with a reminder, you can specify a simple message that describes the reminder.

On Reminder, jump to

Specify the next module that needs to be active post the reminder.

Max reminder limit

This is an optional setting. You can set a maximum value for the reminder to be sent to the user. The range varies from Off, 0, 1 to 15 based on the frequency of the notification.

Off – The engagement will be active with just one reminder until the user responds to it.

0 – The engagement will be reminded once and will jump immediately to the next action specified, without waiting for a user response.

1 – The engagement will be reminded twice over to the user and will then move to the next action specified.

The reminder is to ensure that the user responds and that the workflow reaches a logical completion.

Ushur recommends you keep the reminder limit to a minimum iterative limit.

On final reminder, Go to

Select the subsequent action or module that must be activated after the final reminder.

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