Email Delivery Statuses and Interpretation
  • 07 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Email Delivery Statuses and Interpretation

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Article summary




This event fires when service providers receive an individual message and prepares it to be delivered. Think of this as the top of the funnel- unless it is dropped (see below), each message you push to SendGrid will create a processed event.


The send request was successful, and the service provider will attempt to deliver the message to the recipient’s mail server.

Rendering Failure

The email wasn't sent because of a template rendering issue. This event type can occur when template data is missing, or when there is a mismatch between template parameters and data. (This event type only occurs when you send an email using the SendTemplatedEmail or SendBulkTemplatedEmail API operations.)


The service provider accepted the email but determined that it contained a virus and didn’t attempt to deliver it to the recipient’s mail server.


There are several reasons your email will not even be sent to a recipient for delivery. This event informs your system when an email has been dropped. Further, it provides a reason for the drop, such as if we’ve found spam content (if the spam checker app is enabled) or if we see the recipient has unsubscribed previously.

Delivered, Delivery

The receiving server accepted the message


The receiving server denied the message and the address sent to is suppressed by the service provider moving forward. If a server cannot or will not deliver a message, the service provider fires a bounce event. Bounces often are caused by outdated or incorrectly entered email addresses. Many times, you won’t know a bounced email address until it bounces, so this event can help you ensure it doesn’t bounce again by removing it from your lists.


The receiving server denied the message and the address isn’t suppressed by the service provider moving forward


The receiving server delayed acceptance of the message. When an email cannot immediately be delivered but hasn’t been completely rejected the deferred event fires

Complaint, Spam Report

The email was successfully delivered to the recipient’s mail server, but the recipient marked it as spam.

Delivery Delay

The email couldn't be delivered to the recipient’s mail server because a temporary issue occurred. Delivery delays can occur, for example, when the recipient's inbox is full, or when the receiving email server experiences a transient issue.

Subscription, Unsubscribe

The email was successfully delivered, but the recipient updated the subscription preferences by clicking List-Unsubscribe in the email header or the Unsubscribe link in the footer.


The recipient received the message and opened it in their email client.


The recipient clicked one or more links in the email.

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