December 2022
  • 08 Jul 2024
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December 2022

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Article summary

Key Features and Enhancements

This release contains the following key enhancements.

Analytics Enhancements

  • Initiated Activities now include the name of the contacts to whom campaigns have been sent, even when they are triggered using the .csv upload.

  • New records that are created will now be displayed with time stamps.

Ushur Hub v1.3 Enhancements

  • To prevent unauthorized access, users will not be prompted if they want to continue when there is no activity for over five minutes. If there is no response they will be signed out.

  • The enterprise brand color code is now extended to the Get Started and Begin Submission buttons.

This release also contains bug fixes and enhancements to include Builder fixes, Security enhancements, Guardrails, and other visualization fixes.

Invisible App v2.3 Enhancements

  • Idle Invisible App Sessions (Enhancement in both Invisible App 1.0 and 2.0)

    • If a user is idle for 5 minutes, then a message will appear on their screen warning the user of the engagement timeout with a countdown of 2 minutes.

    • If they click the resume button within 2 minutes, they will be returned to the engagement without a reload.

    • If 2 minutes passes, a time out note will be displayed and they can return to the engagement with a reload.

  • In the Dropdown Search feature, two enhancements were added: Bold Letters and Stack Order

    • Bold letters: Each matching character will be bolded

    • Stack Order: When a user searches multiple choice options, the stack order is rearranged, so options that contain the typed letters at the beginning of the word are shown first.

Ushur Hub v1.3 Enhancements

  • Users are now provided with the Sign Out option to log out of the Ushur Hub. After signing out the login page is displayed.

  • To prevent unauthorized access, users will not be prompted if they want to continue when there is no activity for over five minutes. If there is no response they will be signed out.

  • The enterprise brand color code is now extended to the Get Started and Begin Submission buttons.

Guardrails Enhancements

Introduction of limits and visual guardrails on the platform to support performance and stability.

  • Number of Modules in a Ushur

  • Number of Ushur variables in an Ushur

  • Number of Application Contexts in an enterprise account

  • Number of Enterprise variables in an application context

  • Number of Primary keys in a metadata table

Analytics Enhancements

  • All the records that are created and updated will have the time stamp information so as to enable incremental builds for Analytics, stabilizing the data pipeline.

  • Display of contact name on initiated activates even when the campaign is being triggered using .csv upload.

  • Minor bug fixes on initiated activities.

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