Configure the Form Input Module
  • 23 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configure the Form Input Module

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Article summary

Follow these steps to configure the Form Input Module:

  1. Click the Form Input icon to open the Form Input dialog box.

  2. In the Label box, enter a unique name for the Form Input module within Ushur.

  3. Click the Plus icon in the next box to display the available options.

  4. Select the option you want to add to the form.

  5. To add another module within the form, click the Plus icon, select Open Response, and specify the details.

  6. Select the Toggle Response checkbox and the Refresh on Change checkbox to ensure any change in the module is reflected and displayed to the user upon refresh.

  7. Click the Plus icon, select and add the Multiple Choice module.

  8. Specify the details and select the Refresh on Change option.

  9. Select the Display Condition, and ensure that the Ushur variable that accepts the User response is set to the value Yes. If you do not do this, the module will not function as expected.

  10. Click Save to add the form to Ushur.

    A sample configuration for an FNOL scenario might look like this:

Example of Form Input on Invisible App:

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